GUITAR PK | Official Website | Rock and Blues Guitarist

Self-producing musician GUITAR PK is from the South East of England. An experienced guitarist and live performer in the 1980s and 1990s, who now makes original music with guitars and electronics. Genre could be described as Blues, Psychedelic or Acid Rock.

Paul Kent (aka GUITAR PK)


Latest Release

Check out Freaks and Oddities II, my latest album, best described as eclectic guitar pop, handcrafted themes and inspiration sourced from the depths of popular music.



Paul Kent (aka Guitar PK) draws musical inspiration from a wide spectrum including prog, electronica, hip-hop and psychedelia. Paul’s main guitar influences are Jimi Hendrix, Mike Oldfield, George Harrison and Andy Summers.

For a brief period during the late 1970s Two Tone ruled the airwaves in Britain, with acts such as The Specials, Selector and The Beat. So, along with The Beatles and the early 1980s synth pop, Paul had enough inspiration to want to create his own music.

Paul’s first guitar was a second-hand Westbury which cost about £70. By the time his first rock band Friction gigged local venues in London, he had bought a beat-up Peavy valve amp. Friction probably sounded like MC5, Stooges or Black Sabbath.

Paul’s next band Freak Scene evolved into a tight, eccentric, indie-rock combo. Think Iggy Pop fronting The Cardiacs. They performed at some notable venues in London. Paul also gained valuable experienced in the recording studio.

Throughout the 2000s Paul worked as a Multimedia Designer in the advertising industry, often editing music and graphics for software applications and TV. While at home, Paul was also starting to record experimental music using a friend’s 4-track tape machine.

In 2014 Paul moved to Brighton, established his own self-producing label GPK Recordings and collaborated with other artists on the independent music scene. His music continues to evolve, with focus on creating music that both excites and surprises the listener.